
Sync with Namespace Isolation of Controller

Isolate Akv2k8s Controller to a specific namespace.

Note: The Installation guide and prerequisites are required to complete this tutorial.

Note: This guide requres helm controller version >=1.3

Sometimes its necessary to isolate a Akv2k8s controller to single namespace. This is handy if you need multiple controllers isolated into different namespaces in a kubernetes cluster. This could be the case if the namespaces and keyvaults is owned by different teams/departments etc. where a singel service principal or managed identity can't have access to all of the keyvaults. Hence, custom authentication for a controller to allow fetching of AKV secrets/cert/signing-keys per namespace is desired.

Before we start

In this tutorial we want to isolate a single controller to only sync secrets into the akv2k8s namespace. To do this we need to update the helm installation with the watchAllNamespaces option set to false, which makes the controller not watch for AzureKeyVaultSecret resources outside the namespace.

$ helm upgrade --install akv2k8s spv-charts/akv2k8s \
  --namespace akv2k8s --set watchAllNamespaces=false

In order to show how this works in practice, we will create two AzureKeyVaultSecret, one in the akv2k8s namespace, and another in the akv-test namespace. We expect that the controller only syncs the secret in the akv2k8s namespace.

Example secrets

We start by creating a definition for the Azure Key Vault secrets in a file with name akvs-secret-sync.yaml:

# Secret we want to sync:

apiVersion: spv.no/v2beta1
kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: desired-secret
  namespace: akv2k8s
    name: akv2k8s-test # name of key vault
      name: my-secret # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type
      name: my-secret-from-akv # kubernetes secret name
      dataKey: secret-value # key to store object value in kubernetes secret
# Secret we don't want to sync:

apiVersion: spv.no/v2beta1
kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: undesired-secret
  namespace: akv-test
    name: akv2k8s-test # name of key vault
      name: my-other-secret # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type
      name: my-other-secret-from-akv # kubernetes secret name
      dataKey: secret-value # key to store object value in kubernetes secret

NOTE: Observe that the first AzureKeyVaultSecret is given to the same namespace as the controller (i.e the akv2k8s namespace), while the other is given to the akv-test namespace.

Apply to Kubernetes:

$ kubectl apply -f akvs-secret-sync.yaml
azurekeyvaultsecret.spv.no/desired-secret created
azurekeyvaultsecret.spv.no/undesired-secret created

List AzureKeyVaultSecrets:

$ kubectl get akvs --all-namespaces=true
NAMESPACE   NAME               VAULT                   VAULT OBJECT      SECRET NAME          SYNCHED
akv-test    undesired-secret   akv2k8s-test-keyvault   my-other-secret
akv2k8s     desired-secret     akv2k8s-test-keyvault   my-secret         my-secret-from-akv   2021-13-37T13:37:00Z

Observe that only the secret within the same namespace as the controller gets synced.

Shortly after, a Kubernetes secret should exist:

$ kubectl -n akv2k8s get secret
NAME                TYPE    DATA  AGE
my-secret-from-akv  Opaque  1     1m


kubectl delete -f akvs-secret-sync.yaml
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