
Sync Objects Based on Labels

How to sync objects based on label selectors

Note: The Installation guide and prerequisites are required to complete this tutorial.

Note: This guide requres helm controller version >=1.3

Sometimes it is desired to only sync objects that are labeled in a certain way. I.e. If we run multiple controllers in the cluster and want the different controllers to handle syncing of specific objects.

Before we start

In this tutorial we will deploy a single controller in the akv2k8s namespace and force it to only look for AzureKeyVaultSecret objects with a specific label. To do this we need to upgrade the helm installation like this:

$ helm upgrade --install akv2k8s spv-charts/akv2k8s \
  --namespace akv2k8s --set controller.env.OBJECT_LABELS="someSecretLabel=someSecretValue"

By passing an environment variable called OBJECT_LABELS with the value "someSecretLabel=SomeSecretValue" the controller will understand that it should be looking for AzureKeyVaultSecrets with label someSecretLabel: someSecretValue.

Info: The environment variable is stored in a kubernetes secret called akv-<CONTROLLER_NAME>-akv2k8s-controller-env with key OBJECT_LABEL and value "someSecretLabel=someSecretValue".

Example secrets

We start by creating a definition for the Azure Key Vault secrets in a file with name akvs-secret-sync.yaml:

# Secret we want to sync:

apiVersion: spv.no/v2beta1
kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: desired-secret
  namespace: akv-test
    someSecretLabel: someSecretValue # Label that controller is configured to select
    name: akv2k8s-test # name of key vault
      name: my-secret # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type
      name: my-secret-from-akv # kubernetes secret name
      dataKey: secret-value # key to store object value in kubernetes secret
# Secret without label that we don't want to sync:

apiVersion: spv.no/v2beta1
kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: undesired-secret-1
  namespace: akv-test
    name: akv2k8s-test # name of key vault
      name: my-other-secret # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type
      name: my-other-secret-from-akv # kubernetes secret name
      dataKey: secret-value # key to store object value in kubernetes secret
# Secret with label that we don't want to sync

apiVersion: spv.no/v2beta1
kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: undesired-secret-2
  namespace: akv-test
    notThatSecretLabel: notThatSecretValue
    name: akv2k8s-test # name of key vault
      name: my-other-secret # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type
      name: my-other-secret-with-label-from-akv # kubernetes secret name
      dataKey: secret-value # key to store object value in kubernetes secret

Notice that the first secret is the one we want to sync, hence it got the label that the controller will recognize. The two other secrets either don't have a label at all or a label that the controller do not care about.

Apply to Kubernetes:

$ kubectl apply -f akvs-secret-sync.yaml
azurekeyvaultsecret.spv.no/desired-secret created
azurekeyvaultsecret.spv.no/undesired-secret-1 created
azurekeyvaultsecret.spv.no/undesired-secret-2 created

List AzureKeyVaultSecrets:

$ kubectl get akvs --all-namespaces=true
NAMESPACE   NAME                 VAULT                   VAULT OBJECT      SECRET NAME          SYNCHED
akv-test    desired-secret       akv2k8s-test-keyvault   my-secret         my-secret-from-akv   2021-13-37T13:37:00Z
akv-test    undesired-secret-1   akv2k8s-test-keyvault   my-other-secret
akv-test    undesired-secret-2   akv2k8s-test-keyvault   my-other-secret

Observe that only the secret with the label someSecretLabel: SomeSecretValue gets synced

Shortly after, a Kubernetes secret should exist:

$ kubectl -n akv-test get secret
NAME                TYPE    DATA  AGE
my-secret-from-akv  Opaque  1     1m


kubectl delete -f akvs-secret-sync.yaml
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